Spirit Guides
Have you ever wondered about how to connect with your Spirit Guides? If you have, you’re in the right place. And if you haven’t, why not?
They’re available 24/7, always in a good mood, and their guidance is free.
Who are Spirit Guides?
Spirit Guides are souls that have agreed to help us through life and are usually souls you have known in a past life.
Since they can’t text us, they connect with us through our intuition and other psychic gifts including clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance.
Your Guides have lived several lifetimes before, so they know what it’s like to feel joy, sorrow, and deal with a snoring spouse. They also:
- Give us nudges to notice things
- Bring people and things into our lives
- Create serendipity for us
They can help you with anything. If it’s important to you, it’s important to them.
Now that you know what Spirit Guides are, let’s talk about how to access their guidance and connect with them.
How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides
Connecting with your Spirit Guides is a lot like learning to cook an artichoke.
At first, you have no idea what you’re doing. Do I broil it? Bake it? I have to snip the tips… what?!
But if you stick with it, you get the hang of it.
And like cooking artichokes, there are also many ways to connect with your Guides. Here are my top tips:
1. Create a Sacred Space for Connecting
When you first start connecting with your Guides, you should choose a place where you can hang out with them on a regular basis — a comfy chair, yoga mat, or favorite spot at the park.
Of course, you can connect with them anywhere, but it helps to have a special place when you first start out. This will help you relax and raise your vibration, which makes connecting easier.
Now, have a seat in your sacred space and talk with your Spirit Guides. You can chat with them in your mind, out loud, or connect with them through journaling.
2. Invite Them In
Your spiritual team is always there to support you, but if you want to increase your intuition, you should invite them into your life and make it official. This sets a powerful intention that you want a connection with them.
Then, ask for guidance when you need it, and pay attention to signs and any intuitive feelings you get.
3. Ask for Signs
I know it can be hard to trust your Spirit Guides when you are first having a psychic awakening.
That’s why it’s helpful to ask for signs; signs help build trust.
Plus, they can come in many different ways — in a song, blog post, or the next words your best friend utters to you.
For example, I wasn’t sure which art print to buy for my spare room. There was so much beautiful art on Etsy and so little wall space! So, I narrowed it down to four choices, and turned to my Guides.
An hour later, I shrieked when I saw one of the prints featured in a magazine that I was flipping through! Pretty powerful sign, right?!
4. Meet Them in Dreams
We’re more open to the spirit world during sleep than at any other time. So tonight, before you fall asleep, ask your Spirit Guides to connect with you through your dreams. Then, trust that they will.
You can ask for guidance on a specific issue. Should I start that new business? Go back to school? Paint my dresser red? And then, as soon as you wake up, write down everything you remember.
Pro tip: You might not remember a dream, but you may wake up with an inspired idea. If you do, yay! Spirit Guides often offer us guidance through inspired ideas.
5. Be Open
Try not to expect your Spiritual Guides to “show up” in a certain way. Instead, go with the flow. If you expect them to come to you ONLY in dreams or meditation, for example, you might miss a lot of their guidance.
So look for signs and be open to all the possibilities!
- Read: Are Spirit Guides Real?
6. Call in Any Spirit Guides You Want
We have a main Guide that sticks with us for life, and others that come and go.
Plus, we can call in specific Guides any time we want! Um, how do I cook an artichoke? Can a cooking guide please help a gal out?
7. Write to Them
What issue are you dealing with right now?
- Set the intention that you will connect with your spiritual helpers through journaling.
- Then, think about an issue where you are lacking clarity.
- Next, pick up your pen, let your mind go free, and write! Don’t worry about grammar or spelling, just write whatever you feel in the moment.
You may get a detailed solution or a starting point. If you don’t like to write, journal by typing on your laptop or iPad.
8. Do a meet your Spirit Guide Meditation
Again, intention is key here. So relax, put on some soft music, and imagine meeting your Guides in a beautiful field. Who are they? What do they look like? What are their names? Here’s my meditation guide to help you get started.
9. Connect with Your Spirit Guides in Nature
Spending time relaxing in nature is a powerful way to strengthen your intuition and connect with your Spirit Guides.
So, if meditation isn’t your jam, get out in the fresh air instead:
- Go smell the flowers
- Take a walk
- Sit at the park
- Print out some mandalas and color them.
As you relax, have a mental chat with your Guides. This simple tip will raise your vibration and help you connect with them.
10. Create with Them
Creating is as important to our souls as exercise is to our bodies. It’s also one of the easiest and most fun ways of getting in touch with your Spirit Guides and Higher Self!
When you are creating or doing something you enjoy, your vibration raises.
And because Spirit has a high vibrational frequency, raising your vibe naturally connects you with them.
So, go ahead and spend time drawing, painting, singing, woodworking, or whatever creative outlet you enjoy. It will help you release inhibitions, allow with your heart and intuition, and be inspired.
11. Practice a Q&A Reading for Yourself
Sit where you can relax for about 15 minutes, then, imagine calling your Spirit Guides in.
Don’t worry if you don’t know their names yet, just imagine their energy coming close to you.
Next, start asking questions that start with “Why” or “Should.”
For example, why am I afraid to_______? Why am I having trouble deciding on ___________? Should I ____________?
Then, listen to the answers…
An idea may pop into your head. Or you may get a feeling, have a vision, or suddenly know what your next step is.
12. Call on your Guides Often
Lost your car keys? GPS on the fritz? Ask your Spirit Guide for help.
- Learn: My Top Tip for Connecting with Your Guides (and getting unstuck in your intuitive journey)
13. Read Books About Spirit Guides
My favorite is Sonia Choquette’s Ask Your Guides: Connecting to Your Divine Support System. (affiliate link) Bonus points if you diffuse clove essential oil while you are reading!
14. Listen to Your Gut
Have you ever had a feeling that something wasn’t as it should be? Sometimes so strong it’s almost a physical sensation in your stomach?
It seems like when my gut is telling me something, it’s something I need to know right away. Like the other day, when I was at the store and had a strong urge to zip up my purse. I looked over and sure enough, my purse was wide open with my checkbook hanging out!
I knew this message was coming from my Spirit Guides because it was sudden and intense.
BTW, if you tend to get gut feelings, you’ll want to read my post about claircognizance (psychic knowing).
The most important things to remember are to: set your intention, ask for the guidance you need, and trust that it will be given. Your Spiritual Guides are just waiting to help you!