Unlike other psychic abilities, inner knowing (known as claircognizance) can be tricky to understand. You may find yourself asking questions like:
- Is this really a psychic vibe?
- Or is it just my imagination?
I mean, claircognizance is different than other psychic gifts, like clairvoyance, where you see unmistakable visions in your mind’s eye; or clairaudience, where you hear that “little voice within”.
Recognizing your inner knowing can feel like recognizing that the dreamy-eyed guy in the leather jacket is bad news… it’s only obvious after the fact.
But the truth is, learning how tell if your inner knowing is spot on (i.e. you’re having a claircognizant experience) is something you CAN do (just like learning that nice guys are stellar too)!
Here are 5 easy ways to tell your inner knowing is accurate, and it’s not your imagination.
Examples of Inner Knowing
- My dad had a claircognizant experience several years ago. He was at the hospital being prepped for surgery. (He’s had surgeries in the past, so he knew what to expect.) Then, out of the blue, he KNEW not to go through with it. He was embarrassed, but thankfully, he trusted his gut feeling, and rescheduled the procedure for another day (which went great).
- When I was 13, I was outside with my dog when I spotted my new neighbor… a super cute boy next door! At that moment, with no logical reason (or without ever having spoken to him), I KNEW, beyond a doubt, that the cute boy would be my husband one day. We’ve been married for over 27 years!
As you can see, your inner knowing is a fabulous thing to get to know and trust!
How to Know Your Inner Knowing is Spot-On
Let’s dive into the good stuff now so you can feel confident about all of this psychic goodness.
1. You have peace about the conclusion
Claircognizant experiences will almost always leave you feeling peaceful and resolved.
If, once you finally get ahold of your husband to tell him to take a different way home from work, you feel relieved or at peace, you can rest assured that you had a claircognizant experience.
Your Spirit Guide or Higher Self is trying to send you a message. And once they get through, you’ll feel a wave of peace — even if you’re left trying to explain to your friend how you just knew that dude was bad news.
2. Something insightful came in your sleep
The frontal lobe (the logical part of your brain) will always search for reasons why you know something that there’s no logical reason for you to know. It wants facts!
So sometimes, you will experience claircognizance when your mind is checked out… aka when you sleep.
If you wake up with a solution to a problem (big or small), you may have just had a claircognizant experience.
Or maybe you woke up thinking about a friend or knowing that you should check on your mom.
Either way, while your frontal lobe is away, your claircognizance will come out to play. (This is a great excuse for a post-lunch snooze!)
3. Inner knowing can feel “out of the blue”
Say you’re sitting in the school drop off line, wondering how these moms have time to get all dressed up and put together by 7am as you drive in your sweats.
Just as you’re about to pull into the lane, *wham*, you know you need to head over to your sister-in-laws.
There’s no logical reason for you to invade her space at 7:20 am, and the thought seems totally out of the blue, but you follow your instincts and do it anyway.
Sure enough, she has great news to share! Happy tears are shed, and the sparkling apple juice is popped open before 8am.
You’ll notice this telltale “out of the blue” sign in almost all claircognizant experiences — and for good reason!
In the same way that intuitive messages come through while we’re sleeping, they also come through when our mind is occupied with something else. This is our spirit team’s way of sending an email with an “urgent” flag.
4. You’ve received the same intuitive message in another way
While inner knowing may be the primary way you connect with your intuition, you may have other psychic abilities as well.
- Maybe the image of a baby bottle comes to mind before your friend announces she’s pregnant. (Psychic seeing is clairvoyance.)
- Or maybe you’ve had a feeling to buy some of those baby clothes on sale at Target — even though your kids are in elementary school. (Psychic sensing and feeling is clairsentience.)
If you’ve been receiving other intuitive messages and aren’t sure what they mean, check in on your gut. Is it telling you something similar?
As you can see in this post, you can receive psychic impressions in many different ways.
5. You have a feeling you can’t shake
Claircognizant messages don’t come and go with the tides.
If your new financial adviser is trying to pull the wool over your eyes, you probably won’t be able to shake the vibe that something is off (thankfully).
If something feels off every time you see a certain someone, or you keep waking up thinking it’s time to ask for that pay raise — pay attention. You may be having a claircognizant experience right then and there.
Next Steps
If you are experiencing inner knowing, read my claircognizant post for beginners. It’s loaded with tons of helpful information.
Or, if you want to dive in and develop this intuitive gift, here’s how.