19 Effortless Psychic Development Tips
Psychic development tips. I’ll cut to the chase: We’re all busy, right?
The dog needs to be dropped off at the groomers, the kids need to be picked up, and dinner hasn’t figured out how to make itself yet (I’m waiting for the self-preparing crockpot).
But just because you’re so busy you forgot to take your second cup of coffee out of the microwave doesn’t mean you can’t tap in and focus on your psychic development.
Here are 19 effortless psychic development tips for people who are super busy.
1. Take advantage of your Zzzz’s
Doze off with a crystal grid under your bed (try a crystal from this list — I love turquoise).
For an added crystal boost, rub a little rose or lavender essential oil on your crystals. Order crystals online to save time!
2. Diffuse essential oils
Be a multitasker by plugging your diffuser in first thing in the morning.
That way even while you’re helping your kids find their ever-missing sock, you’re breathing in all that essential oil goodness! Here are 11 essential oils to boost psychic power.
3. Chat-up your spirit guides
This is the one of the most effortless psychic development tips you’ll ever get!
Talking to your Spirit Guides throughout the day allows you to incorporate your psychic journey with everyday life.
If you don’t know the name of your Guide, choose a name you like; They won’t mind, plus, it will make all of your chats more fun! Read step-by-step instructions for connecting with your Guide.
4. Practice seeing auras
The next time you drop your kids off at school, try reading their aura. Imagine seeing it before they leave for school, and then again when they get home.
Or practice reading your co-worker’s aura before and after a meeting with your boss, or your kitty’s while he’s napping vs. in play mode.
(Here’s a post that will teach you how to see auras in 5 minutes!)
5. Make use of waiting time
While waiting for your hair dye to soak in or for your oil to be changed, build up your psychic hearing muscles!
Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, and tune into sounds that you don’t normally focus on.
What can you hear?
- Wind whipping through the trees.
- Birds fighting over crumbs in the parking lot.
- Your cell phone chiming.
- Your favorite new song on the radio.
Practicing this every time you have some down time will boost your clairaudience (psychic hearing).
6. Pray in the shower
If you’re not sure which of these psychic development tips to try first, make it this one.
Instead of thinking about all the things you have to do for the day, use shower time to develop your intuitive gifts. Plus, praying while using water is spiritual and cleansing (and relaxing).
You can also use this time to talk to your Spirit Guides or think about all of the things you are grateful for.
This will raise your vibration and naturally and effortlessly increase your psychic abilities.
7. Play high vibe music while you clean
You know how your fav song can totally change your mood? That’s because it raises your vibration.
When you’re in that high vibration state, it’s way easier for the universe to give you other high vibrating things (like your psychic development).
So, the next time you’re dreading pulling out the duster, get Fleetwood Mac pumping on your Alexa and let your natural vibration increase do the work!
8. Ask a friend to text you – telepathically
In your mind, hold the image on your friend. Imagine energetically asking her to contact you within 24 hours.
9. Sleep with a crystal near your pillow
This tip helps develop clairvoyance and can ward off bad dreams and negative vibes (so you’re well rested for your busy day ahead!)
These are some crystals I recommend for clairvoyance and psychic development.
10. Set the intention to receive guidance through dreams
Next time you hit the hay, try setting your intention to receive guidance through your dreams.
Simply ask that your Spirit Guides to give you messages via your clairvoyance while you sleep. Don’t forget to write down the messages when you wake up.
11. Use your morning jam session
This is one of the most fun psychic development tips ever!
Play some music while you go through your morning routine and try this clairaudient exercise:
Focus on the music playing and try to separate out the different instruments. With practice, you can cut one sound away from all the rest. This exercise not only develops psychic hearing, it also gives you an excuse to listen to Adele (as if you needed one).
12. Ask for it
Asking your Spirit Guides for messages and signs develops a two-way communication with them and allows you to receive intuitive messages… win-win!
After you ask your Spirit Guides for help, then be on the lookout for signs.
13. Use rose or lavender essential oil on your heart chakra
You know I use essential oils for just about everything, and that doesn’t stop at psychic development tips!
The next time you’re on the go, mix 1 part rose oil into 4 parts unscented organic lotion (or any carrier oil). Then, rub it on your heart chakra area and set your intention to open your clairsentience (psychic feeling and sensing). Voila!
14. Use rose or lavender essential oil on your solar plexus chakra
Use the same recipe above, but instead of using the oil on your heart chakra, rub it over your solar plexus (the area around your navel).
Then, set your intention.
Opening the solar plexus chakra is wonderful for developing clairsentience and inner knowing, since this is where your gut feelings come from (like how you knew you shouldn’t have had last night’s leftovers).
15. Remind yourself that it’s not your imagination
When you’re rushing from point a to point b, your logical mind is in control. During that time, it’s normal to struggle with confidence, wonder if your intuitive vibes are “all in your head”, or feel like your psychic gifts aren’t opening up.
But remember this:
There is a reason you were drawn to this work, and it wasn’t to experience a taste of it and then never have your gifts fully open and blossom.
Plus, we’re all naturally psychic (read this post to learn the signs), even our pets. (But Rover isn’t questioning his psychic vibes and instincts when he growls at the sketchy neighbor!)
16. Trust the process
Opening your psychic abilities can seem a little confusing or overwhelming at times, but it’s oh-so rewarding.
When you’re feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, or simply too busy, remain confident in opening your psychic abilities. Don’t force it. Remember, it’s a journey.
17. Embrace your abilities
This may seem obvious, but you’d be shocked at how often it’s overlooked. So, here’s the deal:
The next time you have an intuitive feeling or inner knowing about something – go with it!
Call your sister to see what’s going on, veto your son’s camp plans, and toss out those leftovers. Learning to recognize and act on an intuitive message is an important part of claircognizant development.
18. Ask your gut when making decisions
Like I mentioned above, learning to act when you feel an intuitive vibe is a critical part of your psychic development.
But it’s also important to incorporate your psychic abilities into your day-to-day decisions.
The next time you have a decision to make, imagine asking your inner knowing.
Once you see that your inner knowing is dependable, you’ll start to use it to make decisions with the bigger issues in life. And once that momentum builds, you’ll be amazed at what a clear claircognizant psychic you become!
19. Boost claircognizance with music
Yep, this is another excuse to jam out to your fav tunes!
The next time you’re dancing around your house, Spotify playlist on point, imagine you know what song is coming up next. Try practicing this when you’re in the car listening to the radio, or out and about hearing a store’s playlist.
Well, I know you’re busy, friend. Have fun with these psychic development tips!