How Can I Stop Being Scared of My Psychic Abilities?
No matter how excited you are about opening your third eye and getting in touch with your intuition, it’s natural to have some fear around the subject.
People may experience different levels of fear, but you may ultimately worry:
- Will my friends think I’m crazy?
- Do I really have psychic ability?
- What if a bad spirit attaches itself to me or my family?
If these concerns sound like you, don’t worry! I was in the same boat when I first started, so I know a thing or 100 about being afraid of your psychic gifts.
This post can help you if you want to:
- Develop clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience or claircognizance, but are afraid. Maybe you read something that frightened you, so you hesitate to take the next step in your journey.
- Use your intuition to access divine guidance for yourself or others, but lack confidence.
In my 20+ year-long journey, I’ve learned that overcoming fear is a critical first step. And in this article, I’m going to teach you how to do just that!
Why Should You Connect with Your Intuition?
Intuition is a map that can help us break free of old patterns that keep us stuck and filled with worry and doubt.
You can use your intuition to:
- Have better relationships with others.
- Connect with your spiritual guides and Higher Self.
- Access divine guidance.
- Make decisions with ease and clarity.
- Lead a more joyful life.
Now, let’s talk about how to stop Googling “I’m scared of my psychic abilities” and start embracing your psychic awakening.
Steps for Overcoming Fear of Your Psychic Abilities
1. Recognize that the fear is human, not of spirit
Did you know that you have your very own team of spiritual advisors?
Your trusted angels, Spirit Guides and Higher Self (soul) connect with you through your intuition, are completely loving, and only want the tippy-top best for you. So, there is no need to worry about bad spirits.
Fear of the unknown is a human fear. It’s like new job jitters; you’re excited to dive in, but what if:
- They drop a project on your desk that you can’t handle?
- No one sits with you at lunch? (*sad face*)
- You can’t figure out how to work the coffee machine?
But all these worries slowly ease as you realize you’re prepared for those projects, meet your new work BFF, and notice it’s the same Keurig machine that your last office had.
Knowing that you have spiritual helpers that have your back will give you the confidence to move forward in your intuitive journey!
When I first started down this path, I couldn’t help but feel anxious. After all, this was not the life I envisioned for myself or my family! I craved stability, and this was far from it.
But with some help from my mentors, I realized that the fear was coming from my ego (my human side and not my spiritual side where our psychic gifts reside), and I was able to overcome it.
Trust me, you can, too!
2. Decide who you’re really afraid of (and why)
Do you remember the first time you did something that was outside your comfort zone?
Maybe your best high school bud convinced you that purple highlights were all the rage, or you applied a whole bottle of Sun-In to your ponytail. Second to “OMG I look like Avril Lavigne!” you probably thought, “What is my mom going to say?”
The truth is, once the newness of developing psychic ability wears off, you might find yourself in the same spot — wondering what your family or friends will say.
That said, take a moment and consider why you’re afraid of your loved one’s judgement.
Ask yourself:
- Who is going to be upset or angry if they find out I’m working on psychic development?
- What might a conversation with that person look like?
- Why do I fear that person?
Write out all of these questions and answers in a journal.
When it comes down to it, our family and friends usually want what’s best for us, and understanding that intuition is positive and helpful may ease their minds.
Of course, you don’t have to share your journey with anyone if you don’t want to. Or you can wait and approach the subject with others when you’re more confident.
Read: How to come out of the psychic closet without anxiety
3. Do it scared
One of my mentors used to say this about business, but it applies here too: “Do it scared.”
When you were lying in bed the night before school started, did your parents tell you that you could stay home if you were too nervous? Did they let you hang out in bed until you were comfortable going? No way!
Everyone gets a little jittery when they start something new. But if we waited until those nerves passed, we would never do anything.
Once you address where the fear is coming from, imagine how much you will benefit from connecting with your intuition.
If it helps, make a list of all the positive ways your life will change once you embrace your psychic awakening.
By pushing through, you will see that the benefits far outweigh your fears. And, once you have those benefits listed, your nerves will ease up.
Plus, accepting that you may have to make a move a little bit scared allows you to honor where you are right now.
Acknowledge the fear, honor the journey, focus on your heart, and take a step. For more encouragement, download my free guide and audiobook, 7 Real World Steps to Embracing Your Intuitive Gifts.
4. Let’s talk about bad spirits and energy
A lot of people fear bad spirits or bringing negative energy into their home. But I’m here to tell you there is nothing to fear.
Honestly, if you’re Googling, “I’m scared of my psychic abilities” because you just watched a scary movie, relax…
Mediumship and psychic ability are nothing like what you see in movies.
In reality, these gifts are loving and peaceful.
And you won’t attract negative vibes because you connect with your intuition, open your chakras, or chat with your Spirit Guides.
To further ease your mind:
- Learn about energetic vibration and how to keep a high vibe.
- Watch videos by Esther Hicks on YouTube (life changing).
- Learn how to clear negative energy.
Spending time to absorb all the goodness that psychic ability has to offer will give you a fresh and uplifting perspective!
When you are aligned with your purpose, your intuitive gifts will serve your highest and best good. They will also help you grow and:
- Honor your spiritual self and inner voice
- Live with gratitude and clarity
- Gain confidence
So, do you still feel scared to be psychic? Or does the idea feel right; that you just know this is what you are supposed to do?
Are you ready to be inspired and touch lives?
When you work from a place of love, there is nothing to fear.