I have some potentially mind-blowing information for you. Ready? You have had a psychic experience (or multiple experiences), without even realizing it.
Yep. I’m serious.
See, psychic experiences don’t have to involve a crystal ball, tarot cards, or a long robe and fancy hat. Quite the opposite, in fact (which my wardrobe is pretty happy about).
In fact, real psychic ability can be quite subtle, and there are moments that all of us have lived through that indicate a psychic experience.
(BTW, everyone has access to intuitive guidance, too!)
Don’t believe me? That’s okay. Let’s chat!
Have You Had These Psychic Experiences?
Take a deep breath and ask yourself the following questions. They will help you know for sure if you are having real psychic experiences.
Have you ever:
1. Felt like something was going to happen before it did
I specifically remember a conversation between my parents a long time ago (I’m talking Brady Bunch days).
My dad was talking about some turmoil at work and saying that he had a really bad feeling about it. He felt like the company was about to do something drastic, but…
The evidence did not support that thought (it was two weeks before Christmas, a time when no companies make a big move), but he kept reiterating his feelings.
Sure enough, two days later, the company let 60% of their team members go. No warning, no indication, but somehow, dad just knew.
Knowing something via a gut or intuitive feeling is one type of psychic experience.
People that have this gift are known as clairsentient, which means they receive psychic information in the form of feelings.
(Here’s a complete list of psychic abilities.)
2. Been guided to do something that kept you from harm
Have you ever had that moment of, “Uh, I better not”.
Maybe it was choosing to not go out with your friends that night or deciding not to get in that Uber.
Call it being overly cautious or safe, but there is most likely a deeper reason you felt that tug.
There was a time I pulled up to a gas station. The cashier took my money and sent me on my way.
But before I could fill up, a car pulled up and two guys got out and walked into the store. Suddenly, something really felt off, which felt completely illogical at the time.
It turns out. those guys ended up robbing the store.
They didn’t hurt anyone or get but a few miles down the road, but, nonetheless, I felt it. It was like their aura was oozing with negativity.
3. Sensed that someone was watching you
So, you’re sitting in the mall food court enjoying your hot fudge sundae. A weird vibe comes over you. You get the feeling that someone is watching you…
Slowly, you turn around and see someone staring right at you!
You know exactly what I mean, right?
This psychic experience has happened to almost everyone. You get that feeling that someone’s eyes are on you, and sure enough, they are!
4. Dreamed about something that later came true
This is one of my all-time favorite psychic experiences. Dreams!
I used to have a co-worker who interpreted dreams. We would spend lunchtime chatting about all the different things they can mean, and how to interpret them.
She told me of a time when her mom woke up at 3 am in a panic. She needed to call her sister right then and there — something was wrong.
The whole family tried to calm her down and get her back to bed. It turns out, her dream was that her sister’s husband had a heart attack — and that’s exactly what had happened! Thankfully, he survived.
5. Had a deceased loved one visit you in a dream
Dreaming of spirits is not scary or creepy at all.
In fact, spirit visits are one way our loved ones in heaven continue to connect with us from the afterlife.
When we are sleeping, our logical minds rest which allow us to connect with our intuitive gifts, divine guidance, and Higher Self. This makes it easier for our loved ones in heaven to connect with us.
6. Just known that someone wasn’t trustworthy
Unfortunately, not everyone’s intentions are good. It would be fantastic if they were, but that’s not the case.
There have been multiple times in both my business and personal life that I sensed someone’s intentions were anything but good — and I was right.
Maybe it’s a coworker who seems super sweet, but you sense something different about her energy. Or maybe it’s someone your sister is dating.
Pay close attention to these psychic vibes because they’re usually right and nudging you for a reason.
7. Thought (or dreamt) about someone you haven’t heard from in a long time
Then suddenly, you hear from them out of the blue or run into them at the grocery store.
If this psychic experience has happened to you, I bet you didn’t ignore it!
Some things can be easily explained away or made to look like “imagination or coincidences”. But psychic experiences like this are just too amazing to be ignored!
8. Seen flashes of light out of the corner of your eye
Sometimes these flashes will be very obvious. Other times, they will look like twinkling lights or pixie dust floating in the air.
These lights are a beautiful psychic experience and mean that a spirit, angel, or Spirit Guide is with you.
Don’t let this moment pass you by without taking note. I love the warm feeling of knowing that my angels are around me or that a spirit is visiting.
If your logical mind is trying to tell you the flash was just your lamp, here’s a good rule of thumb:
If you feel it that it’s a divine or psychic experience, it is. In your gut, you’ll just know.
Don’t let yourself get talked out of it. Smile and enjoy the loving presence of spirit and take comfort that angels are here to comfort you.
Psychic Experience Takeaways
In each of the examples above, you were nudged in the form of a sense, vision, or feeling to intuitively guide you of something important.
People of all races, religions and socio-economic backgrounds have been down the same path.
In fact, many of the world’s most famous and successful people acknowledge their intuition or gut instinct as the reason for their success!