Two Words You Should Never Say in a Psychic Reading

In the 90’s, I used to drive every week to a psychic mediumship development class. I was part of this group for about a year and a half and learned a lot.

My mentor, Terry, had one strict rule — two words we were never allowed to say when we practiced giving readings to each other. The words are: I think.

Whether you’re a newbie or about to turn pro, you’ll want to incorporate this tip into all your intuitive or spirit communication readings. Read on to learn more.

two words to never say in a psychic reading

If you are on your spiritual journey studying mediumship, psychic ability, or tarot, take notice if you use the words I think when you:

  • give readings
  • talk about your intuition
  • are practicing psychic development exercises

When I first started in my intuitive journey, I’d always say, “I think such-and-such,” even though I psychically felt or had a knowing about something.

Society teaches us to think about everything, so it feels natural to use these words.

Read:  Afraid You’ll Give a Bad Reading? How to Shift from Insecure to Inspired

Tip for Giving Readings with Confidence

Stop and think about it for a second. Are you saying the words I think a lot when you give readings or talk about an intuitive experience you’ve had?

It’s eye opening to be aware of this, isn’t it?

Now that your eyes are open, you can start using language that will help you feel more confident!

Next time you catch yourself saying “I think” when giving a reading or practicing your psychic development, use one of these phrases instead:

  • I feel
  • I sense
  • I see (if you’re seeing a clairvoyant image)
  • I hear (if you’re hearing something via your clairaudience)
  • This situation feels

8 Tips for Trusting Your Intuition


Let’s pretend Mary is sitting in her first psychic development circle (go, Mary!). Her mentor asks her to share her intuitive impressions about the student sitting across from her.

Mary: I think you are a kind person. I also think you like animals.

If I were mentoring the group, I’d gently ask Mary to be aware of her words. I’d ask her to try again using one of the words in the list above and try again.

Mary: I feel that you are a kind person, and I sense there are animals around you that you love very much.

As Mary continues to practice this new skill of using intuitive language, she will be building trust in her abilities.

And like a ripple on a pond, her gifts will open more. In time, she will begin to see how many animals, or what kinds of animals. She may hear a pet name or get a sense of a certain dog breed.

Read:  10 Things I’d Tell You About Being a Psychic Medium if We Were Best Friends

Trusting Your Intuitive Ability

When I was a new intuitive reader, saying the words I think made me feel safe.

In my mind, if I was thinking, then it was OK to be wrong. Why? Because thinking and being wrong was better than using my gifts and being wrong.

But over the next few years, I learned that getting my ego and thinking mind out of the work allowed my heard to open, and for energy to flow freely.

When you allow your heart to open, you:

  • Connect with your spiritual guides
  • Begin trusting the divine guidance you receive
  • Serve your clients for their best and highest good

I encourage you to stop thinking and start sensing and feeling when using your gifts. This simple step will increase your confidence in your intuition, and you will touch the lives of others by working from your heart space.

Next Read:  The Question You Need to Ask ALL of Your Reading Clients

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