The Empathic Survival Guide: 5 Life-Changing Tips

empathic survival guide, 5 life-changing tips to manage your clairsentient gift and sensitive energy

Many empathic people struggle and feel drained because of the energy they feel from others.

If you’ve ever wanted to climb on a raft and row to a deserted island where there are no people, no news stories, and no drama, then you are in the right place. In this post, I’ll teach you how to protect your beautiful, sensitive energy.

What is an Empath?

Empaths can feel energy — including the energy of others. It’s also known as clairsentience, which means psychic sensing or feeling.

If you’re an empath, you may feel like:

  • The drama at work is so draining!
  • Going to large events is exhausting.
  • Avoiding parties because they are such a drain.

These feelings can be difficult for empaths who haven’t learned to manage their gifts yet.

But have no fear!

Over the last 20 years I’ve developed an empathic guide to protect my energy. These are the skills that help me manage my psychic feelings and calm my clairsentient anxiety.

Now, I’ll share my tips with you. Try the ones that resonate with you or combine them to create your own empath blend!

Related: 15 Signs You’re an Empath

developing your psychic abilities - free guide and audio - 7 Real World Steps to Embracing Your Intuitive Gifts

Empathic Survival Tips

1. Be aware of your perspective

My number one empathic survival skill of all time is:

Be mindful of your perspective.

When you are aware of your perspective, it can feel like a ton of bricks are lifted off your chest. You see, empaths want to save everyone from their pain. But the truth is, you can’t.

A simple concept? Yes.

Easy to put into practice? With a fresh perspective, yes!

Here’s how to be mindful of your perspective:

Next time you start going down the emotional rabbit hole (like when you feel someone’s sorrow and want to cry through a box of tissues), remind yourself that we are all spiritual beings here to learn and grow. 

  • Perhaps this is part of their soul’s plan, and there is something they need to learn.
  • Or maybe something wonderful is around the corner, but they have to go a painful experience this to see it.

Did you ever see the movie The Pursuit of Happyness? 

Well, one afternoon, a box of Kleenex and I watched this inspiring movie based on the life of Chris Gardner. You see, Chris fell on hard times, and he and his son ended up homeless. My heart HURT watching this movie. 

But Chris didn’t give up. His struggles motivated him, and in the end, he became a Wall Street legend!

The point is: we never know. Each soul is on its own path.

And let me be clear, I’m NOT saying not to help others or stop caring. Things like volunteering and bringing soup to a sick friend are all wonderful things to do…

But before you let someone else’s pain envelop youbreathe.

Imagine sending them love and light and trust that there is a divine plan.

2. Dealing with energy vampires when you’re empathic

Obvi, we can’t avoid being around draining people all the time (a.k.a. energy vampires). You may work with one (or 10) energy vampires or have one (or 10) in your family.

So, what do we do when we can’t get on a rowboat and escape?

When you know you’re going to be interacting with someone who drains you, prepare by surrounding yourself with white light.

White light is the light of the Holy Spirit and is your psychic armor. The negative emotions of others can’t penetrate this psychic shield. (BTW, here are more psychic protection techniques and empath tips.)

You can do this on the fly, too. For example, if you’re with a negative person, surround yourself with white light. This will protect you from energy drain.

You can do this anywhere, anytime, so you never have to go unprotected. In fact, you should surround yourself with white light every morning — or introduce clove oil to your routine.

Use pink light, too

You can also imagine surrounding yourself or others with pink light. Then, set the intention to heal your (or their) pain, whether it’s physical or emotional.

I like to do this when I’m on the road and come across a motor accident.

You can also send pink light whenever a friend or family member is suffering. Simply imagine sending them loving vibes and surrounding them in soft pink light.

This allows me to help without feeling drained.

3. Remember that the law of attraction is at work

Now, you might think this is a strange thing to bring up in an empathic post but stick with me.

My grandmother’s appliances are always breaking down. It’s almost comical, because you know when you talk to her you are going to hear about the fridge or microwave being on the fritz. 

The thing is my grandma firmly believes that “it’s always something.”

She believes that, when one thing gets fixed, something else will break. And the universe delivers. Every. Single. Time.

So why am I telling you this?

Because the law of attraction is real, and we all attract things we may not be aware of.

For example, do you know someone who always ends up with the same type of manipulative partner? And when they break up, you want to help them — even though this has happened a million times before.  

Well, this pattern is repeating itself for a reason. And they probably won’t find happiness until they recognize it for themselves.

The point is: you may want to help, but that doesn’t mean you can. After all, we are all conscious creators.

Make this your empathic mantra:

Sometimes, people have to see things for themselves to grow spiritually.

4. Set energetic boundaries

You may not always have a choice of whether to interact with a negative person (hello, sister!) But you do have a choice in what they take from you.

I mean, we all know at least one person who loves to complain no matter what kind of good stuff is happening around them. You know, like Debbie Downer from Saturday Night Live.

You don’t need an empathic guide to tell you that being around them is exhausting!


When you are drained, you aren’t at your best. And that means you can’t help those who genuinely need help or practice good self-care.

When you are drained you can’t give clients your best intuitive readings. And you won’t have anything left for your spouse, children, or yourself. 

Also, don’t be afraid to set boundaries. Ensuring you’re not drained allows you to bring your best self into all your intimate relationships.

Tip: If you need help setting healthy boundaries, I recommend the books by mental health professional, Judith Orloff, M.D.

Try to surround yourself with like-minded people (because like attracts like). 

As a clairsentient, it’s important to keep your vibration up by doing things that make you happy.  

For me, I love the adult coloring craze! So let the dishes go and do something that makes you happy, like meditate, journal, or watch a funny TV show.

Empathic Tip! I have a family member whose an eternal pessimist. When I chat with her and start feeling drained, I say something positive to raise my vibration. Try it, it works!

5. Avoid negativity on TV

As an empath, you should be mindful about what you expose yourself to. I also encourage you to limit your time on social media which we know can be draining!

Sure, keeping up with current events is important. I get that.

But for me, it’s not worth the crappy way I feel when I consume a constant stream of war, famine, political rhetoric or violence.

I watch, read and listen to inspiring, uplifting, and funny TV shows, movies, books, podcasts, and YouTube channels. And I hide or unfriend anyone on social media that spreads drama.

This may sound harsh, but I’ve learned this is what I have to do for my own well-being. 

As an empathic person, it’s important that YOU feel good! When you do, you can embrace your intuitive gifts and inspire others.

Bonus Tips for Empaths

As I said earlier, being an empath is part of the psychic gift of clairsentience. This gift means you get intuitive senses about things. For example, you may feel positive energy when you walk into your sister’s new home.

One way to manage your empathic gift is to learn about, and develop, clairsentience. This will help you manage your ability and recognize when you are having a clairsentient experience. For example, you could:

Here are more bonus empathic tips:

1. Deflect energy

The next time you are with someone who is draining you, imagine that there are mirrors all around you facing outward.

This simple trick deflects energy away from you and back to the person putting it out.

Plus, it’s an easy way to set healthy boundaries when you’re around someone you can’t step away from (like your co-worker).

2. Practice grounding

Energy overwhelm is real, and it can kick in pretty easily. One sad movie, and before you know it, everything seems like a bigger deal than it is.

Grounding is one of my favorite ways to deal with this, and can help you refocus and recharge. It’s a method of returning to the present — kind of like meditation!

Here are some of my go-to methods for grounding:

  • Eating some root veggies (or chocolate! Yes, for real!)
  • Taking an aura bath (the water is super calming).
  • Popping on your fav song and singing.
  • Spending time outside (or taking a walk with your pup!)

Here’s my full blog post with tons of grounding methods. They are good for your soul and mental health!

3. Improve your aura

Your aura (the energy surrounding us) is a direct reflection of your emotions. When you’re at your tippy-top best, you’ll have a bright, gorgeous aura. But when you encounter negative emotions, your aura can get dull, ripped, or damaged.

The next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a deep breath and try to get a physical sense of where your aura is.

Does it feel all spread out around the room? Imagine pulling it close and making it feel light and healthy again.

4. Spend some time alone

Hey, sometimes you need a breather! For days when you just can NOT listen to your sister’s drama for one more minute, make taking a break a priority. Honor the way you feel and practice self-care.

Some fun time-out ideas:

  • A bubble bath (with lavender oil — always!)
  • A walk in the park
  • Crank up your favorite music
  • Indulge in your go-to flavor of ice cream

5. Meditate

Yep, you knew this was coming. That’s because meditation is a staple in empath mental health.

Seriously, don’t leave your overwhelmed brain to its own devices. Take this opportunity to hop on your floor pillow and try a meditation.

Meditation pulls you out of the moment and gives you perspective (yes, please!) It also allows you to enter into a “witness frame of mind” which pulls you out of overwhelm.

If you’re too flustered to enter into your own meditation, try a guided one! The apps Calm and Headspace have great guided meditations.

6. Use crystals

Using crystals is one of my favorite tips for thriving at being an empath. It’s also one of my go-to ways to clear negative energy! 

I have crystals all over my house, but I also stash one in my pocket when I’m going out.

My favorite energy-clearing crystal is black tourmaline, but there are other powerful ones, too.

Some great negative energy-clearing crystals are:

  • Snowflake and black obsidian
  • Amethyst
  • Apache tears
  • Smoky quartz

7. Wash off negative energy

If you’ve been in a situation that’s left you feeling drained, freshen up and change your clothes as soon as you get home.

Putting on clean, comfy clothes, and washing your hands and face (or hopping in the shower) helps get negativity off you and freshens up your energy!

8. Sage yourself

I love sage cleansing! I spruce up my home, my car, and myself with sage.

Whenever I need an energetic pick-me-up, or to get rid of negative energy, I light a smudging stick and or spritz a little sage spray around me.

It’s super easy and I can give my house a quick spritz of sage whenever it needs!

Empath Guide Takeaways

Years ago, I felt like being an empath was a drain. But once I learned how to manage my empathic ability, I see it for the gift it is.

And once you start using these tips, you’ll see what a gift being an empath is, too!

After all, as an empathic person, you aren’t doing yourself (or others) any good by giving until you have nothing left. 

And we all know that the world needs more beautiful, loving energy. And that’s something that we, as clairsentients and empaths, can give to the universe!

For more helpful tips, download my free audio and guide, 7 Real World Steps to Embracing Your Intuitive Gifts.

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