The Question You Need to Ask Every Time You Give a Psychic Reading

the question you need to ask every time you give a psychic reading

I know I keep saying that psychic development doesn’t need to be hard or complicated.

And many years ago, I incorporated an easy, yet powerful practice into the Akashic Record, and mediumship readings I give.

In this post, I’ll share this tip with you (and it’s going to knock your socks off!)

Whether you’re a newbie psychic or medium or a seasoned intuitive reader, this tip will help you, too. 

I start all my sessions by asking one simple question.

Take a deep breath and soak in these next 10 words:

What would you like to get out of this reading?

Such a simple question, yet so powerful because it helps them connect with their spiritual self, and sets an intention for the reading.

When you ask it, be gentle and speak with love.

Sometimes, your client won’t know exactly how to answer the question, and that’s okay; you’re here to help.
developing your psychic abilities - free guide and audio - 7 Real World Steps to Embracing Your Intuitive Gifts

Questions to help your clients connect with their heart

Here are some sample questions that you can ask your client to help them connect with their heart and Higher Self:

  • Are you trying to gain clarity on a certain issue?
  • Would you like divine guidance with a decision you are trying to make?
  • Do you want to gain deeper insight into a situation and understand why it is happening?
  • Are you wanting to let go of anger and allow more love in your heart?
  • Are you trying to figure out what would make you truly joyful in life?

the question you need to ask before every psychic reading

In a mediumship reading, you’ll find that most clients want to:

  • Ensure that their loved one has crossed over and is happy (I’ve never connected with a spirit who wasn’t happy).
  • Know that their loved one is still with them.
  • Reconnect with their loved one and hear any messages they may have.
  • Find out circumstances surrounding their loved ones passing if it was sudden or unexpected (accident or a suicide, etc.)

How this helps you serve others

If you are reading this blog, you have a strong desire to help people. And you have a huge heart for wanting to help others with your intuitive gifts!

When you ask a client what they would like to get out of a reading, you are helping them connect with their heart and setting a loving intention.

Some people haven’t connected with their heart in a super long time (or ever!), so just asking them this question can be insightful.

For many people, it also helps them feel safe with you, and helps them relax.

How this helps you as the reader

If you’re a new psychic reader, tarot reader, or medium, starting your readings with this beautiful practice can help you connect to divine energy, which will increase your confidence.

It’s kind of like saying, “Okay, I have a road map here, and I am going to see this person through a spiritual lens.”

And when you and your client both feel safe and comfortable, magic and joy happen.

Next Read:  How to be more confident in the next psychic reading you give

4 thoughts on “The Question You Need to Ask Every Time You Give a Psychic Reading”

  1. Hi Jessica,

    That’s such a simple and beautiful question to ask. As you say, it’s a wonderful starting point and shows clearly that the reader is there for the client and wanting to give them the very best.

    1. Thank you so much, Dave. It’s such a great way to help people connect with their heart. – Jessica :)

  2. Great post…and great question! Even though I’m not an intuitive, I’m going to use a variation of this with my coaching clients — starting each session by asking, “What would you like to get out of this session?”…or even bigger picture, when I first connect, asking what they want to get out of working with me at all. Helps me get clarity and helps them to crystallize their desire/intention. Thanks for sharing this! :)

    1. Thank you for the comment, Dan :) It definitely helps everybody get on the same page and sets such a loving intention.

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